Help Others Learn: Salon Services for a Fraction of the Cost

Many students leave the prestigious Graham Webb Academy for top of the line salons or come back now and then to touch up their skills in contemporary hair trends. Graham Webb lets you take advantage of their learning process!

I’ve heard rumors that the only setback is that hair services can take a little longer because students are supervised. Basically, you participate in the learning process but services are no less professional than a top-of-the-line salon but way, WAY less expensive.

As a returning full-time student myself, I’ll be sure to look into Graham Webb for my next haircut. Located in Rosslyn, Va., Graham Webb isn’t far at all for those living in Northern Virginia or the city.

Hair isn’t all they do: Graham Webb does manicures make-up applications and manicures for $10 each. Take a look at the great prices on client services offered by Graham Webb students.

5 responses to “Help Others Learn: Salon Services for a Fraction of the Cost

  1. Pingback: DCBlogs » DC Blogs Noted

  2. Yeah, schools are usually cheaper. The service is no less than that of a licensed professional…it’s just as good and they have good supervision.

    I’ve never had my hair done at a school, but I’ve been to a dental school. My student was excellent and did a great job with my teeth.

  3. I’ve been to GW twice since this posting; both times I’ve had interesting experiences. The first time, my “hair student” got really experimental and I didn’t like the cut, but loved the color. Second time, everything was pretty much golden except for a misplaced highlight (about an inch of brown from scalp on my blond streak!). I’m the pickiest of the picky though and as a full-time student, this is definitely a great way to cut down on my expenses, despite the tiny deviation from the $300 salon experience. I still recommend GW! And yes–the students are highly supervised. Just go into it with an open mind and repeat over and over in your head “1/3 the cost of a salon, 1/3 the cost of a salon” and you’ll be happy in the end 😉

  4. I would like to see a continuation of the topic

  5. Somehow i missed the point. Probably lost in translation 🙂 Anyway … nice blog to visit.

    cheers, Whitehead.

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